Thursday, April 9, 2015


Oleh : Bayu Nurwinanto

Worksite Analysis
We will conduct a worksite analysis, through systematic actions that provide information as needed to recognize and understand the hazards and potential hazards of our workplace. Listed below are types of worksite analysis actions that can assist with making an inventory of potential hazards in our workplace :
  1. Job safety analysis.
  2. Comprehensive hazard surveys.
  3.  Hazard analysis of changes in the workplace.
  4. Regular site safety and health inspections.
  5. Employee report of hazards or potential hazards.
  6. Accident and incident investigations with corrective actions and follow-up.
  7. Injury and illness trend analysis.
  8. Personal protective equipment assessment.
  9. Ergonomic analysis.
  10. Specific identification of confined spaces.
  11. Identification of energy sources for specific machines.
  12. Copies of written inspections and surveys by: fire department, in-house as required by safety and health standards (e.g., overhead crane inspections, powered industrial truck daily inspection, etc.).
Job Safety Anaylsis
(Company Name) will utilize job safety analysis to determine potential hazards and identify methods to reduce exposure to the hazards.
Job Safety Analysis (JSA) is a method of planning for safety and health.  There are three parts to the JSA.
  1. The first component of a JSA is breaking down a job or task into the specific steps it takes to complete the job.  Although this can be done in small detail, typically only the major steps are listed. This often results in five to ten steps.  The steps are listed in chronological order, listing the first thing that must be done, then what comes next, and so on.
  2. The second component of a JSA is to list all the hazards that are involved in each step. There may be many hazards that get listed next to some steps and may not be any associated with some steps.
  3. The third step is to write down how each hazard will be eliminated or controlled. In other words, describe what needs to be done in order to perform that task safely.
Sample JSA Form

Employee Report Of Hazards
Our employees play a key role in identifying, controlling, and reporting hazards that may occur or already exist in the workplace. Employee reports of potential hazards can be an effective tool to trigger a closer look at a piece of equipment, operation, or how work is being performed. Reports of potential hazards can also provide suggestions to eliminate a hazard.

Accident/Incident Investigation
We will conduct an investigation for all accidents/incidents and near misses. Our primary goal of conducting an investigation is to determine the “root cause” to prevent the risk of a future occurrence. Investigation reports can help determine injury and illness trends over time, so that patterns with common causes can be identified and prevented. Investigations are not intended to place blame.

Accidents and “near-miss” incidents will be investigated by (Name/Title). The reports will be reviewed by (Name/Safety Committee) within (Days/Hours) of an accident/incident.

Hazard Prevention And Control
Our management will develop systems to prevent and control hazards. These include: the establishment of controls through engineering, work practice, personal protective equipment, and/or administrative actions; systems to track hazard correction; preventive maintenance systems; emergency preparation; and medical program.
Our written system will be implemented to assure guards, housekeeping, and personal protective equipment are provided and being used.

Job Site Inspections
(Company Name) will conduct daily job site inspections.  Hazards will be documented, reviewed, and corrections will be made in a timely manner.  More detailed, written inspections will be conducted by (Name/Title) on a (Weekly/Monthly) basis.  The Safety Coordinator or other designated safety person will tour each job site and observe potential safety/health hazards, and develop a plan for safeguarding this company's workers which may include the following :
  1. Removing the hazard.
  2. Guarding against the hazard as required by MIOSHA.
  3. Providing personal protective equipment and enforcing its use.
  4. Training workers in safe work practices.
  5. Coordinating protection of workers through other contractors.
A record of all safety inspections and correctional steps will be kept.

Accident Investigation
All accidents resulting in injury or property damage will be investigated.  The purpose of the investigation is NOT to find fault, but to find the cause of the accident so similar incidents can be prevented in the future.
  1. All accidents, no matter how minor must be reported to the Foreman immediately.
  2. Foremen must report all accidents to the Safety Coordinator as soon as possible.
  3. Foremen must complete an initial written accident investigation the day of the accident, if possible.
  4. All workers involved in the accident or who witnessed the accident must complete a written statement describing the incident.
  5. The Safety Coordinator will complete a thorough accident investigation to determine root causes and corrective actions.
  6. Near misses (situations where an accident almost happened) should be reported. Corrective action must be taken to prevent the same situation from occurring again with the potential for serious injury. Foremen should make a note of near misses and the corrective actions taken and report them to the Safety Coordinator, so that the same corrections may be made on all the company’s job sites.

Personal Protective Equipment
  1. Hard hats will be worn on job sites at all times.
  2. Eye protection will be worn when there are potentials of hazards from flying objects or particles, chemicals, arcing, glare, or dust.
  3. Leather work boots shall be worn to protect from falling objects, chemicals, or stepping on sharp objects.  Safety toe footwear may be necessary in some instances. Athletic or canvas-type shoes shall not be worn.
  4. Protective gloves or clothing shall be worn when required to protect against a hazard.
  5. Harnesses and lanyards shall be utilized for fall protection as required.

Policies, Procedures, Safety And Health Rules
Our management is responsible for implementing major decisions, policies and safety and health procedures. Specific safety and health procedures that are required by MIOSHA will be put in writing such as: lockout, right to know, fall protection, confined space, respiratory program, etc.  A copy of our written safety program will be available on every jobsite, either in the jobsite trailer, the gang box, or with the foremen.  The required MIOSHA posters will be posted (Location).
(Company Name) will inform and enforce the following safety rules :

All of our safety rules must be obeyed.  Failure to do so will result in strict disciplinary action.
  1. Wear appropriate clothing and use sun block to prevent sunburn.
  2. Watch where you are walking.  Do not run.  Keep your mind on your work at all times.
  3. The use of illegal drugs or alcohol or being under the influence during working hours shall be cause for termination.  Inform your supervisor if taking strong prescription drugs that warn against driving or using machinery.
  4. Do not distract the attention of fellow workers or engage in horseplay.  Do not engage in any act which would endanger another employee.
  5. Keep your working area free from rubbish and debris. A clean job is the start of a safe job.
  6. Do not use a compressor to blow dust or dirt from your clothes, hair, or hands.
  7. Report any fear of walking at heights to your supervisor.
  8. Know where fire extinguishers are located and how to use them.
  9. Lift correctly - with legs, not the back.  If the load is too heavy GET HELP.  Do stretching exercises prior to work activities.  Approximately twenty percent of all construction related injuries result from lifting materials.
  10. Keep back at least 10’ from all power lines, further if high voltage.
  11. Nobody but the operator shall be allowed to ride on equipment unless the equipment is designed to carry a passenger.
  12. Do not use power tools and equipment until you have been properly instructed in the safe work methods and become authorized to use them.
  13. Do not remove, displace, damage, or destroy any safety device or safeguard on equipment or machinery.
  14. Barricade danger areas.  Guard rails or perimeter cables may be required.  Do not enter an area which has been barricaded.
  15. If you must work around power shovels, trucks, rough-terrain fork-lifts, dozers, or other heavy equipment, make sure operators can always see you.
  16. Never oil, lubricate, or fuel equipment while it is running or in motion.
  17. Before servicing, repairing, or adjusting any powered tool or piece of equipment, disconnect it, lock out the source of power, and tag it out.
  18. Excavations over five feet deep must be shored or sloped as required.  Keep out of trenches or cuts that are not properly shored or sloped.  Excavated material or other debris shall not be stored nearer than two feet from the edge of the excavation.  Excavations less than 5 feet will require cave in protection where conditions indicate possible side failure.
  19. Practice the following safety procedures when using ladders : 1. Use the "four to one" rule when using a ladder.  One foot of base for every four feet of height. 2. Portable ladders in use shall be equipped with safety feet unless the ladders are tied, blocked or otherwise secured.  Step ladders shall not be used as a straight ladder. 3. Ladders must extend three feet above landing on roof for proper use. 4. Defective ladders must be properly tagged and removed from service. 5. Keep ladder bases free of debris, hoses, wires, materials, etc.
  20. Build scaffolds according to manufacturers' recommendations and MIOSHA Construction Safety Standard, Part 12, Scaffolding. 1. Scaffolds over 10’ must have guardrails on all open sides. 2. Scaffold planks shall be properly lapped, cleated or otherwise secured to prevent shifting.
  21. Use ground fault circuit interrupters at all times with any temporary power supply. Use only extension cords of the three-prong type.
  22. Fall protection is required at 6 feet or higher. 100% tie-off means the harness and lanyard are always connected to anchorage.
  23. Never throw anything "overboard."  Someone passing below may be seriously injured.
  24. Open fires are prohibited.
  25. Know what emergency procedures have been established for your job site.  (Location of emergency phone, first aid kit, stretcher location, fire extinguisher locations, evacuation plan, etc.).
  26. Never enter a manhole, well, shaft, tunnel or other confined space which could possibly have a hazardous atmosphere because of lack of oxygen, or presence of toxic or flammable gas, or has a possibility of engulfment by solids or liquids. 1. Only a qualified person will test the confined area with an appropriate detector before entry. 2. Wear the necessary personal protective equipment. 3. Provide ventilation by blowing fresh air into the confined space. 4. An attendant (hole-watch) may be required to be stationed at the entrance.
Safety Discipline 
(Company Name) has implemented the following four step disciplinary system when safety rules are not followed or other unsafe actions endanger workers.
First violation       : Oral warning; notation for personnel file.
Second violation : Written warning; copy for file or Personnel Office.
Third violation     : Written warning; one day suspension without pay.
Fourth violation   : Written warning and one-week suspension, or termination if warranted

Zero-tolerance Violations:Some safety violations are of such serious nature that there will be no warnings and termination may result. Examples include.
  • Entering hazardous confined spaces without following proper procedures.
  • Failing to use fall protection equipment.
  • Entering unsafe excavations.
Both the employee and the supervisor allowing these unsafe acts may be terminated. 
A record will be maintained of all disciplinary actions.

Emergency Procedures
In case of an emergency on site the following procedures will be instituted at each site.
  1. Method of communication will be determined at each site: telephone, radio, etc.
  2. Post the following emergency telephone numbers (Police, Fire & Medical Response Team)
  3. Post the job site address near the communication station.
  4. Post names of first aid responders on site.  First responders should obtain all required First Aid/CPR and Bloodborne Exposure training.
  5. Designate person to direct emergency crews to site of emergency.
  6. Instruct each employee if known harmful plants, reptiles, animals, insects, or other environmental hazards are present, including : 1. The potential hazards, 2. How to avoid injury, 3. Applicable first aid procedures to be used in the event of injury.
Lockout / Tagout
Lockout / Tagout assures that employees are protected from unintended machine motion or unintended release of energy which could cause injury.  This includes electricity, water, steam, hydraulic, gravity, and many other sources of stored energy.

All sources of energy must be shut off, de-energized at the source, and locked-out prior to any employee beginning work around or on the potential hazard.

Confined Space Entry
No employee shall enter confined spaces without authorization. A confined space is defined as the following :
  1. A space that is Not Designed For Continuous Employee Occupancy, and.
  2. Is large enough and so configured that a person can bodily enter into and perform assigned work, and.
  3. Has LIMITED or RESTRICTED means for ENTRY or EXIT.
Confined spaces that may have a HAZARDOUS ATMOSPHERE require special precautions.  Hazardous atmospheres are those that may expose employees to the risk of death, incapacitation, impairment of ability to self rescue caused by :
  1. Flammable gas.
  2. Airborne combustible dust.
  3. Atmospheric oxygen concentration below 19.5 or above 23.5%
  4. A toxic atmosphere or substance.
  5. Danger of engulfment.
Written Hazard Communication Program
Hazard communication means ensuring that all workers know about the chemicals that they work with and work around.  Often called “Right to Know,” the hazard communication program involves the following elements :
  1. Written hazard communication program.
  2. Training on the chemicals this company uses.
  3. Labeling: using properly labeled containers.
  4. Safety Data Sheets (SDS):  SDS (formerly known as Material Safety Data Sheets or MSDS) must be readily available onsite. Workers must know where to find SDS and be able to read and properly utilize an SDS.
  5. Posting signs to inform employees of the location of SDS and when new chemicals are brought on the job site.
  6. Informing other contractors:  If we use chemicals around other contractors, it is our responsibility to inform other contractors of the hazards involved. We will make every effort to keep other contractors safe from the chemicals we use.  Typically, the general contractor onsite will need to coordinate all chemical use of all contractors to maintain a safe workplace.
Fall Protection Program
Fall protection is required whenever working at six feet or above.
Fall protection will be provided by one or more of the following :
  1. Guardrails.
  2. Hole covers.
  3. Safety nets.
  4. Personal fall arrest system (harness and lanyard).
Electrical Safety
Electrical safety involves two primary issues :
  • Powerlines.
  • Temporary and permanent electrical wiring and equipment.
To avoid electrical incidents, several basic safety rules must be followed :
sloping of trench sides
  1. Stay at least 10 feet back from powerlines, in ALL directions. Stay further back if voltages are greater than 50,000 volts.
  2. Do not store materials under powerlines.
  3. Mark powerlines on the job site with warning signs below.
  4. Use ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI) whenever plugging into temporary power or using an extension cord.
  5. Extension cords and trailing cords with missing ground prongs must be removed from service.
  6. Extension cords and trailing cords with cuts must be removed from service.
  7. Do not operate wet power tools.
  8. Keep extension cords from being damaged in doorways or being run over.
  9. Keep extension cords out of wet areas.
  10. Never wire anything yourself or attempt to make electrical repairs. Leave that for an electrician.
  11. Assume all wires and electrical boxes are live, unless you are certain they are not.
  12. Do not store any materials within 3 feet of electrical boxes.
Excavation Safety
Pre-job planning is vital to accident-free excavations and trenching; safety cannot be improvised as work progresses.
The following concerns must be addressed by a qualified person.
  1. Evaluate soil conditions and select and construct appropriate protective systems in accordance with MIOSHA Part 9, Excavation, Trenching and Shoring.
  2. If the trench is 5’ or deeper, you must use one of the following (sloping of trench sides, benching of trench sides, trench boxes and shoring)
  3. If the trench is less than 5’ but is hazardous due to soil or the nature of the trench, then you must use protective systems.
  4. Appropriate protective systems to prevent a cave-in may include.
  5. Inspect the site daily at the start of each shift, following a rainstorm, or after any other hazard-increasing event.
  6. Contact MISS DIG to locate underground lines at least 3 days prior to excavating.
  7. Plan for traffic control when necessary. Refer to the Michigan Manual on Uniform Traffic Control (MMUTC) Part 6 (available from the Michigan Department of Transportation) for traffic control.
  8. Determine proximity to structures that could affect choice of protective systems.  For example, ensure roads, sidewalks, or buildings are not too close to allow the use of a trenchbox or adequate sloping.
  9. Test for low oxygen, and hazardous gases and vapors, especially when gasoline engine-driven equipment is running, or the dirt has been contaminated by leaking lines or storage tanks. Fuel-powered equipment produces carbon monoxide in the exhaust and must not be used without adequate ventilation. Provide appropriate respiratory protection when necessary.
  10. Provide safe access into and out of the excavation. If the excavation is 4’ or greater, ensure a ladder is within 25’ of workers in the excavation.
  11. Provide appropriate protections if water accumulation is a problem. Water flow and accumulation must be inspected and must be controlled.
  12. Keep excavations open the minimum amount of time needed to complete operations.
Safety And Health Training
(Company Name) will provide training to assure the requirements of MIOSHA standards are met and continuously evaluate employee training needs to keep workers safe and healthy on the job.
  1. New Employee Orientation:  New employees will receive training on the company safety and health management system, safe work practices and expectations, and specific safety and health training for the tasks that they will perform.
  2. After inspecting a job site, (Name/Title) will identify and evaluate all potential hazards for potential of serious injuries and probability of an accident.  Actions will be taken to minimize the hazards and protect the workers.
  3. The Safety Coordinator or other designated site person will appraise the skill and knowledge level of exposed workers, and provide any needed training.
  4. Where safety and health training is needed, appropriate training will be provided.
  5. Records will be maintained for all training sessions with descriptions of topics covered and names of workers trained.
  6. Toolbox Talks:  Toolbox talks will be conducted regularly (weekly/daily).  Topics covered will include : 1. The safe work practices necessary for that day’s work. 2. Any safety concerns workers may have. 3. Brief refresher training on relevant safety topics (topics to be provided by the Safety Coordinator).
Safety And Health  Work Observations
Safety and health work observations will be performed periodically by supervisors or designated observers.

Safety and health work observations ensure: 1) an employee has the knowledge to perform the work as trained, and 2) is actually performing their work task safely. Specific observations or audits are especially critical for lockout/tagout, confined space, or where the risk of exposure is high. Results will be documented and follow-up training will be provided as needed.  This process helps assure safety and health training is effective.


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