Bayu Nurwinanto
Definition Inspection
What is meant by inspection in this case is a way or method of doing
inspection work equipment technical condition that the working tool can be
operated efficiently and safely (do no harm).
Stages Inspection
The inspection work should
be carried out starting from planning (Design) until the time of surgery to
maintain. Construction design must be checked carefully.
In the manufacturing process
of construction, Inspector can give guidance positive in order to produce
construction that meet technical requirements, During construction of the operation,
inspectors conduct a review of the results of the technical condition and
operating conditions of construction and examines the data record to be used as
a source of information at a future time (Next) ,
Data record (history
file) will be very helpful for the preparation of the next maintenance program.
Inspection planning
Before inspection activities carried out, inspectors should be able to
analyze or examine whether all the requirements of the code / regulations are
included in the inspection plan and test (Inspection Test Plan / ITP) made by
the manufacturer (for pressure vessel new) or owner ( for pressure vessel
attached) and signed by all parties concerned. Any changes that have been
agreed to be concluded and signed together, and then documented in the project
implementation. In performing their duties, inspectors should refer to all
regulation, code or procedures applicable.
results of inspection must be made complete, clear and detailed.
Pressure Vessel must be equipped with the reports and
complete data covering :
- As build drawing.
- Calculation design.
- Data from the factory, include: ASME form U-I.
- Material certification.
- Welding procedure specification, procedure Qualification Record and welder Qualification.
- Dimensional Inspection.
- Non Destructive testing Report.
- Hydrostatic/pneumatic test record.
- Name plate.
- Regulation no 1 Year 1970 about Work Safety.
- Government Regulation No. 11 of 1976 about occupational safety and health and the patronage of environmental, Sector oil and gas.
- Regulation Steam year 1930 (Stoom ordonnantie).
- Regulation Steam year 1930 (Stoom Verordenning).
- Regulation Minister of mining and energy number 06.P / 0746 / M.PE / 1991 about work safety examination on Installation and techniques used in oil and gas and exploitation of geothermal resources.
- The Director General of Oil and Gas number 84 / K / DJM / 1998 about guidelines and procedures for safety inspection on installation, equipment and techniques used in the mining of oil and gas and exploitation of geothermal resources.
- Letter of the Director General of Oil and Gas No. 234/382 / DJM / 1993 About technical inspection and testing of the equipment installation and inspection services company.
- Letter of Director General of Oil 226/385 / DJM / 1995 date March 21th, 2005.
- ANSI/NB-23 National Board Inspection code (a Manual For Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors).
- ANSI B31.3 Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping.
- ASME Section VIII, Division I, Rules For Constructing Pressure Vessels.
- ASME BPVC section II, Materials.
- ASME BPVC section IX, Welding and Brazing Qualifications.
- ASME BPVC section V, Nondestructive Examination.
- API 510, Pressure Vessel Inspection Code.
- API RP 571, Damage Mechanism Affecting Equipment in refining industry.
- API RP 572, Inspection of Pressure Vessel (except Appendix B).
- API RP 576, Inspection of Pressure-Relieving Devices.
- API RP 577, Welding Inspection and Metallurgy.
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Example Drawing Pressure Vessel |
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